i need the Latest Stock & LN2 bios.
My bios seems bugged , Stock bios is unstable and LN2 bios is limited by tdp (@ 100% only 300w).
Evga won´t give me an actual bios -

"Your Question:
Hello Guys,
I need the latest LN2 &; Stcok Bios for my 780ti classified non KPE.
How could i get them.
Best Regards
Your Answer:
thank you for your email. Please note that the latest BIOS for these GPU's might not be the correct one for your model. This is because as we produce different batches of these products the components used sometimes change, so the BIOS must match the GPU properly in this respect. We have also had so many problems from customers ruining their GPU's with incorrect installations that we have had to stop issuing them and just release the GPU's with the current BIOS from now on. There are no more BIOS updates that we are able to issue.
Best regards, "
(that answer - *facepalm*